Fixed Price – I Don’t Think So

5 04 2013

At Paris’ famous Marche aux Puces, it’s known as “marchandage.” In Mexico’s open-air weekend markets, it’s called “regatear.” Here in the U.S., we know it as “haggling.” And while it’s the norm when buying a car or a home, most American prices on most items are non-negotiable.

Think again. In this tough economy, there has never been a better time to haggle in any retail setting.

“You can negotiate anything, anywhere these days,” says Allan Stark, president of Negotiate4U, a Web-based company that negotiates discounts on everything from cars to cellphones. “You can haggle for lower prices from flea markets all the way up to Bergdorf Goodman.”

To learn more about quick and useful negotiating tips go to

Coming Soon to a Web Site Near You

19 12 2012

I am both pleased and excited to inform family, friends and business associates that I
recently have completed a new book, “Getting from You and Me to WE.”

The book will be available at and by the end of this week
— just in time for the start of the New Year and all the wonderful resolutions that come with it.

The Kindle version will be available at Amazon just after the first of next year.

Why not resolve to a better you, better relationships and better understanding?
“Getting from You and Me to WE” will help you accomplish goals you might have thought impossible.

Watch your email for several updates in the coming days. I will be sending out the links to my book and the new website. I would love your feedback …………Stay Tuned

News Flash

17 12 2012

Coming Soon to a Web Site Near You

I am both pleased and excited to inform family, friends and business associates that I recently have completed a new book, “Getting from You and Me to WE.”

The book will be available at and by the end of this week
— just in time for the start of the New Year and all the wonderful resolutions that come with it.

The Kindle version will be available at Amazon just after the first of next year.

Why not resolve to a better you, better relationships and better understanding?
“Getting from You and Me to WE” will help you accomplish goals you might have thought impossible.

Watch your email for several updates in the coming days. I will be sending out the links to my book and the new website. I would love your feedback …………Stay Tuned

Setting the Stage for Negotiations

29 11 2012

There is the story of a pastor who got up one Sunday and announced to his congregation: “I have good news and bad news. The good news is, we have enough money to pay for our new building program. The bad news is, it’s still out there in your pockets.”

Creativity Breeds Success

27 11 2012

The minister was preoccupied with thoughts of how he was going to ask the congregation to come up with more money than they were expecting for repairs to the church building. Therefore, he was annoyed to find that the regular organist was sick and a substitute had been brought in at the last minute.. The substitute wanted to know what to play.
“Here’s a copy of the service,” he said impatiently. “But, you’ll have to think of something to play after I make the announcement about the finances.”
During the service, the minister paused and said, “Brothers and Sisters, we are in great difficulty; the roof repairs cost twice as much as we expected and we need $4,000 more. Any of you who can pledge $100 or more, please stand up.”
At that moment, the substitute organist played “The Star Spangled Banner.”
And that is how the substitute became the regular organist!

Building Longer Lasting Relationships

5 11 2012

More good advice from Virginia Brett, a 90 year old lady, that will help you build better, longer lasting relationships.

– “You don’t have to win every argument. Stay true to yourself.”

– “If a relationship has to be a secret, you shouldn’t be in it.”

– “Everything can change in the blink of an eye.”

Limits or No Limits

18 09 2012

“The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits.”

Albert Einstein

The Real Value of Information

2 07 2012

This is what happens when you agree too quickly or if you do not have all the information you need before agreeing to something.  What do you think the hare said in the second frame?  Please send me your ideas so I can finish the blog.

Lack of Negotiation Ends in Disaster

9 05 2012
The Secret Service scandal was discovered when a disagreement on how much a prostitute wanted for her services came to light. She wanted $800.00. The Secret Service Agent offered $30.00. How ironic is it that the only person in Washington willing to cut spending gets fired?

Recipe for a Bigger, Better Pie

19 04 2012

One of the most important things I have learned during many years of negotiating “deals” around the world is, to achieve a more satisfactory and a more sustainable outcome, the focus has to be to “make the pie bigger” as opposed to getting a bigger piece of pie than the other person. The result should be that when the pie is cut in half, both parties end up with a bigger and better piece of pie. To do so, the focus has to change from a confrontational mindset to one of working together.

If you want better results from your next negotiation, keep the following points in mind:

1. Negotiation is an art not a science. There are no hard and fast rules or formulas that fit every situation.

2. Each “deal” is different even though some similarities may exist between “deals.”

3. Recognize that both parties will have to make concessions to reach agreement.

4. The key to success is to remain creative in getting to an agreement that satisfies both parties.

5. Define your bottom line so that you know when to walk away.

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